Package statalign.base

Class Summary
AlignColumn An AlignColumn is an object that represents an observed or a hidden character and stores a double array storing the Felsenstein likelihoods.
AutomateParameters A class that contains the logic when to stop the burn-in, sampling, or how to determine the sampling rate.
CircularArray<E> Dynamically growing circular array with extremely efficient deque and hash operations.
Input This class is an extension of the Postprocess class and is for showing the actual input sequences.
MainManager This is the central class in the information flow amongst classes.
Mcmc This class handles an MCMC run.
MCMCPars This is a container class containing the MCMC parameters described below.
McmcStep Provides information on an MCMC step and additional MCMC statistics.
State Objects of this class completely describe the state of the MCMC at a certain time.
Tree This is the current tree in the MCMC run.
Utils This class contains multi-purpose static functions.
Vertex This is a vertex of the tree.