Uses of Class

Packages that use CNetworkEdge

Uses of CNetworkEdge in statalign.postprocess.plugins.contree

Fields in statalign.postprocess.plugins.contree with type parameters of type CNetworkEdge
 java.util.ArrayList<CNetworkEdge> CNetworkSplit.edges
 java.util.ArrayList<CNetworkEdge> CNetworkNode.joins
 java.util.ArrayList<CNetworkEdge> CNetworkPath.pathOfEdges

Methods in statalign.postprocess.plugins.contree with parameters of type CNetworkEdge
 boolean CNetworkPath.checkForSplit(CNetworkEdge edgeToLookFor)
          Returns true if this path already contains an edge from the argument split, otherwise false.
 double CNetworkNode.FindWeighting(CNetworkEdge compEdge, int noOfTaxa)
          Finds the weighting of this this node using the joins that join to it.
 double CNetworkSplit.getSubsetJoins(CNetworkEdge currentEdge, int noOfTaxa)
          Takes an input edge and finds the side of this split it occurs on and then returns the number of taxa on that side of this split.
 void CNetworkNode.ListToAdd(CNetworkEdge neighbourLink, boolean start, java.util.ArrayList<CNetworkEdge> ListToAddTo)
          Function returns joined up ArrayList if must be joined in a certain order...

Method parameters in statalign.postprocess.plugins.contree with type arguments of type CNetworkEdge
 void CTMain.CopyNode(java.util.ArrayList<CNetworkNode> nodesToCopy, CNetworkSplit splitToAdd, CNetwork network, java.util.ArrayList<CNetworkEdge> incompatibleEdges)
          Copy the list of nodes that need copying when adding a new split into a network.
 void CNetworkNode.ListToAdd(CNetworkEdge neighbourLink, boolean start, java.util.ArrayList<CNetworkEdge> ListToAddTo)
          Function returns joined up ArrayList if must be joined in a certain order...