Uses of Class

Packages that use CNetworkSplit

Uses of CNetworkSplit in statalign.postprocess.plugins.contree

Fields in statalign.postprocess.plugins.contree declared as CNetworkSplit
 CNetworkSplit CNetworkEdge.split

Fields in statalign.postprocess.plugins.contree with type parameters of type CNetworkSplit
 java.util.ArrayList<CNetworkSplit> CNetwork.splits

Methods in statalign.postprocess.plugins.contree with parameters of type CNetworkSplit
 void CTMain.CopyNode(java.util.ArrayList<CNetworkNode> nodesToCopy, CNetworkSplit splitToAdd, CNetwork network, java.util.ArrayList<CNetworkEdge> incompatibleEdges)
          Copy the list of nodes that need copying when adding a new split into a network.
 CNetworkNode CNetworkNode.findFirstNonSubset(CNetworkSplit addSplit, java.util.ArrayList<CNetworkNode> consideredNodes, boolean zeroSide, int noOfTaxa)
          Recursive function used to find node at which we can add a split compatible with the network Goes up from first node and finds where edges joining are no longer subset of specified side of split we want to add
 boolean CNetworkSplit.isCompatible(CNetworkSplit comp, int noOfTaxa)
          Compares an input split to see if it is compatible with this one.
 boolean CNetworkPath.isSplitSide(CNetworkSplit inputSplit, int noOfTaxa)
          This function sees if adjoining splits at the nodes at the path ends create subsets on both sides of the input split...
 boolean CNetworkSplit.isSubset(CNetworkSplit comp, boolean zeroSide, int noOfTaxa)
          Compares an input split to see if the argument split is a subset of the specified side of this split?
 boolean CNetworkSplit.OnZeroSide(CNetworkSplit comp, int noOfTaxa)
          Compares an input split to see if the input split occurs on the zero side of this split.