Uses of Class

Packages that use SubstitutionModel

Uses of SubstitutionModel in statalign.base

Fields in statalign.base declared as SubstitutionModel
 SubstitutionModel InputData.model
          The current substitution model that is used to analyse the sequences.
 SubstitutionModel Tree.substitutionModel
          Characters on this tree undergo substitutions according to this model.

Methods in statalign.base with parameters of type SubstitutionModel
 void TreeAlgo.addAlignSeqsToTree(Tree tree, java.lang.String[] sequences, java.lang.String[] names, SubstitutionModel model, java.lang.String filename)
 Tree TreeAlgo.buildNJTree(java.lang.String[] sequences, java.lang.String[] names, SubstitutionModel model, java.lang.String filename)

Uses of SubstitutionModel in statalign.model.ext

Methods in statalign.model.ext with parameters of type SubstitutionModel
 void ModelExtManager.afterSubstParamChange(Tree tree, SubstitutionModel model, int ind, boolean accepted)
 void ModelExtension.afterSubstParamChange(Tree tree, SubstitutionModel model, int ind, boolean accepted)
          Called after a proposed indel parameter change (accepted or rejected).
 void ModelExtManager.beforeSubstParamChange(Tree tree, SubstitutionModel model, int ind)
 void ModelExtension.beforeSubstParamChange(Tree tree, SubstitutionModel model, int ind)
          Called before a substitution parameter change is proposed.
 double ModelExtManager.logLikeSubstParamChange(Tree tree, SubstitutionModel model, int ind)
          Calculates the total log-likelihood of the state by adding the log-likelihood factor contributions from all model extension plugins to the log-likelihood of the tree.
 double ModelExtension.logLikeSubstParamChange(Tree tree, SubstitutionModel model, int ind)

Uses of SubstitutionModel in statalign.model.ext.plugins

Methods in statalign.model.ext.plugins with parameters of type SubstitutionModel
 double StructAlign.logLikeSubstParamChange(Tree tree, SubstitutionModel model, int ind)

Uses of SubstitutionModel in statalign.model.subst

Method parameters in statalign.model.subst with type arguments of type SubstitutionModel
static java.lang.String SubstitutionModel.getMenuName(java.lang.Class<? extends SubstitutionModel> cl)
          Retrieves menuName static field of a SubstitutionModel plug-in class.
static java.lang.String SubstitutionModel.getType(java.lang.Class<? extends SubstitutionModel> cl)
          Retrieves the static field type of a SubstitutionModel plug-in class.

Uses of SubstitutionModel in statalign.model.subst.plugins

Subclasses of SubstitutionModel in statalign.model.subst.plugins
 class AminoAcidModel
          Common superclass for amino acid substitution models.
 class Blosum
          Implements the 'rate-matricized' Blosum substitution model.
 class CpRev
          This class implements the Chloroplast reversible substitution model, see also
 class Dayhoff
          Implements the classic Dayhoff substitution model.
 class Felsenstein81
          This class implements the Felsenstein 1981 parameter model.
 class Felsenstein84
          This class implements the Felsenstein 1984 parameter model.
 class HKY85
          This class implements the HKY85 parameter model.
 class Jones
          Implements the JTT (Jones-Taylor-Thornton) substitution model, see also
 class JukesCantor
          Implements the Jukes-Cantor model for nucleic acids.
 class Kimura3
          Implements the Kimura 3 parameter model.
 class MtMam
          Implements the mammalian mitochondrial substitution model, see also
 class MtREV
          Implements the reversible mitochondrial substitution model, see also
 class NucleotideModel
          This is the abstract class for nucleotide models.
 class ReversibleNucleotide
          This class implements the general time reversible parameter model.
 class RtREV
          Implements the retrovirus substitution model, see also
 class Tamura92
          This class implements the Tamura 1992 model.
 class TamuraNei
          This class implements the Tamura-Nei parameter model.
 class Vt
          Implements the Müller-Vingron substitution model, see also
 class Wag
          Implements the WAG (Whelan & Goldman model) substitution model, see also

Uses of SubstitutionModel in statalign.postprocess.gui

Constructors in statalign.postprocess.gui with parameters of type SubstitutionModel
AlignmentGUI(java.lang.String title, SubstitutionModel subst)
          It initializes a new panel for alignments.
AlignmentGUI(java.lang.String title, SubstitutionModel subst, Postprocess _owner)
          It initializes a new panel for alignments.