Uses of Class

Packages that use McmcMove

Uses of McmcMove in statalign.base

Methods in statalign.base with parameters of type McmcMove
 boolean Mcmc.isParamChangeAccepted(double logProposalRatio, McmcMove m)
          This function is called by the McmcMove objects in order to determine whether the proposed moves are to be accepted.

Uses of McmcMove in statalign.base.mcmc

Subclasses of McmcMove in statalign.base.mcmc
 class AlignmentMove
 class AllEdgeMove
 class EdgeMove
 class IndelMove
 class LambdaMove
 class LOCALTopologyMove
 class MuMove
 class PhiMove
 class RhoMove
 class RMove
 class SilentIndelMove
 class SubstMove
 class ThetaMove
 class TopologyMove

Uses of McmcMove in statalign.mcmc

Subclasses of McmcMove in statalign.mcmc
 class ContinuousPositiveParameterMove
 class McmcCombinationMove

Methods in statalign.mcmc that return McmcMove
 McmcMove McmcModule.getMcmcMove(java.lang.String name)

Methods in statalign.mcmc that return types with arguments of type McmcMove
 java.util.List<McmcMove> McmcModule.getMcmcMoves()

Methods in statalign.mcmc with parameters of type McmcMove
 void McmcModule.addMcmcMove(McmcMove m, int weight)
 void McmcModule.addMcmcMove(McmcMove m, int weight, int increment)
 boolean McmcModule.isParamChangeAccepted(double logProposalRatio, McmcMove m)

Constructor parameters in statalign.mcmc with type arguments of type McmcMove
McmcCombinationMove(java.util.ArrayList<McmcMove> moves)

Uses of McmcMove in statalign.model.ext

Methods in statalign.model.ext with parameters of type McmcMove
 void ModelExtManager.afterIndelParamChange(Tree tree, Hmm hmm, McmcMove m, boolean accepted)
 void ModelExtension.afterIndelParamChange(Tree tree, Hmm hmm, McmcMove m, boolean accepted)
          Called after a proposed indel parameter change (accepted or rejected).
 void ModelExtManager.beforeIndelParamChange(Tree tree, Hmm hmm, McmcMove m)
 void ModelExtension.beforeIndelParamChange(Tree tree, Hmm hmm, McmcMove m)
          Called before an indel parameter change is proposed, but after the affected parameter is selected.
 boolean ModelExtManager.isParamChangeAccepted(double logProposalRatio, McmcMove m)
 boolean ModelExtension.isParamChangeAccepted(double logProposalRatio, McmcMove m)
          Should be called from McmcModule.proposeParamChange(Tree) to find out whether a proposed parameter change was accepted.
 double ModelExtManager.logLikeIndelParamChange(Tree tree, Hmm hmm, McmcMove m)
          Calculates the total log-likelihood of the state by adding the log-likelihood factor contributions from all model extension plugins to the log-likelihood of the tree.
 double ModelExtension.logLikeIndelParamChange(Tree tree, Hmm hmm, McmcMove m)

Uses of McmcMove in statalign.model.ext.plugins

Methods in statalign.model.ext.plugins with parameters of type McmcMove
 double StructAlign.logLikeIndelParamChange(Tree tree, Hmm hmm, McmcMove m)

Uses of McmcMove in statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign

Subclasses of McmcMove in statalign.model.ext.plugins.structalign
 class ContinuousPositiveStructAlignMove
 class HierarchicalContinuousPositiveStructAlignMove
 class LibraryMove
 class RotationMove
 class RotationOrTranslationMove
 class TranslationMove